Monday, November 10, 2014

New Routes!

I was working full time on law school applications the last two weeks so it's been awhile since I've posted. Luckily, Eric and Rich have been plowing ahead. They've added new routes to the map, bringing us up to 26 total so far.

Update of Routes as of Nov 10th

You can check out the map by clicking here and scroll through the different routes using the legend on the left.

As you can see, our routes so far are clustered in central and west Amman, which is where the three of us tend to spend more time. In the coming weeks, I'm looking forward to riding more in the east and south and adding new routes to what we have so far.

It should also be said that this is the rough data. After we feel like we have a good number of routes that allows people to navigate most of the city, we'll take a first shor at making a schematic map that will focus more on ease of reading over clustered geographic fidelity.